Welcome to August--
August, the last of Summer events are happening. Folks are harvesting the gardens, attending local fairs, getting all of their swimming and picnics in while they can, so they can take a little breath before FALL HITS!

For Graphically Deb, we are putting away the summer merch, and well engaged in Fall! We have some outstanding items for October- if your company does a Breast Cancer Awareness, if your store does Halloween trick or treats, if you are involved in Fall Sports-- there is still time to get custom items for pumpkin spice season! We can do sport schedules, umbrellas, rain ponchos, trophies, and all the other stuff we are becoming well known for. AND, just nailed down a supplier for stickers- bumper, product, industrial, window clings, and food and drink labels-- any kind of stickers we do that!
Thanks again ... for the confidence and orders we received in the summer... business is building!